Campo Santo del Pueblo Cemetery
Taos Pueblo is an ancient pueblo belonging to a Northern Tiwa speaking Native American tribe.
Archaeologists say that ancestors of the Taos Natives lived in this valley long before Columbus “discovered” America and hundreds of years before Europe emerged from the Dark Ages. The main part of the present buildings were most likely constructed between 1000 and 1450 C.E. and appeared much as they do today when the first Spanish explorers arrived in Northern New Mexico in 1540.
My experience…
Sangre de Cristo "Blood of Christ" Mountains
Ancestral Connection
Lorem ipsum dolor amet – vestibulum nibh diam, nec rhoncus dolor fringilla non. Maecenas ut libero sapien amet.
Twin Flame
Anet nulla ellentesque vestibulum nibh diam, nec rhoncus dolor fringilla cenas ut libero sapient.
Lowry Pueblo Canyon of the Ancients
Today my heart will have harmony;
My spirit singing the songs of happiness.
My mind will seek balance, one with Mother Earth and the Creator.
My eyes will look for good and there I will find it.
My mouth will whisper the words of gratitude. Today I will walk the beauty way.
Vibrant Vibration
The languages of the earth.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tempor metus sed lacus hendrerit congue. Phasellus aliquam nulla nec malesuada porttitor. Nam lobortis vehicula tellus quis iaculis. Donec convallis accumsan urna eget molestie. Mauris consequat tempor dignissim. Ut consequat posuere turpis, bibendum consequat augue viverra nec. Duis rutrum ipsum ut arcu imperdiet, id lobortis leo finibus. Duis ultricies, tortor a auctor tempus, elit turpis iaculis nulla, et dapibus tellus metus a enim.
Ut nisi metus, semper eu consequat varius, convallis vitae nibh. Integer pharetra, arcu sed ornare scelerisque, turpis libero auctor dui, a ornare odio nunc vel nisl. Nam tincidunt neque eget dignissim mattis. Suspendisse consectetur massa finibus urna ultrices ullamcorper.
Earth Stewardship
Integer convallis, sem eu aliquam facilisis, felis neque luctus est, nec vehicula nulla ipsum et diam. Nam consectetur sed mi a pretium. Sed venenatis, ex nec laoreet porta, leo urna dictum metus, nec hendrerit libero libero eu orci. Phasellus eu dolor tellus.
Morbi quis neque eget arcu laoreet faucibus quis ut nibh. Suspendisse sodales quam vitae eros pretium, non tincidunt est convallis. Nunc condimentum nec massa vel mollis. Ut eu ante non nulla vehicula luctus id sed dolor.
Donec sagittis malesuada velit, nec porta quam gravida ac. Mauris ac ante et libero cursus dictum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
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