Knowing Our Own Soul

There are an infinite number of spiritual practices that can open the ears and eyes to the language of our souls.

Divine movement can be hard to track.

An experienced, sensitive, and insightful companion that can help you learn to navigate the terrain is invaluable.

Why Spiritual Direction & Navigation?

Ongoing Spiritual Direction & Navigation (Think of it as a transformational modality rooted in traditional Spiritual Direction, but for the emerging quantum 21st Century) can help you identify, adjust, and chart your life’s course. I can help you clear trauma and blockages, align your soul and personality, and connect with the Divine so you can feel more love, peace, creativity, and clarity.  Spiritual Direction & Navigation will equip you to identify and follow your spiritual calling and mission, and to do it with presence and power as you and the Divine conspire to make your life, your communities, and Mother Earth better. Many of us are experiencing the following:

Grief. Find ourselves grieving major losses, going through life transitions, doing really hard things, or struggling with a sense of dryness in our spiritual lives.

Dark Night of the Soul. Dark Night of the Soul or Spiritual Emergency (such as having a disorienting kundalini awakening during meditation practice or have been triggered into the journey of Twin Flame awareness) and need some navigational help navigating the pain and fog.

Exhaustion. Are exhausted and burned out from being justice seekers, teachers, parents, organizational leaders, community organizers, social workers, and community transformers and need to rest, fill-up, re-connect with the Divine, clear blockages, check in with our ancestors, and re-evaluate.

Coming Out. Are in the process of “coming out” as Queer, or are on the Spiritual Journey of Gender Transition, or exploring the spiritual mysteries and power of Non-Binary identities.

Ancestral Trauma. Are called to heal and clear the trauma of ancestral lineages and the damage of religious and spiritual traditions in order to bring the power and wisdom of our ancestors forward into the present moment- and aren’t sure where to start.

Illness. Have been diagnosed with a major illness or are recovering from long COVID-19. And would deeply benefit from spiritual support on the journeys of chronic pain, cancer treatment, addiction management, or other illnesses.

Understanding. Have thought of ourselves as non-spiritual or non-religious, but some strange things have happened around us and we could use help to understand and put those things into the context of our lives.

What are blockages?

When our energetic pipeline to the Divine is blocked by spiritual wounding and trauma—and has so many knots and twists in it—we only experience a trickle of the love and power that is available to us. It is important to become aware of the blockages we have to receiving Divine/Soul communication. Blockages can cause distortions in the ways we see and experience the Holy and keep Soul communication from reaching us. Traditional Therapy modalities are stellar at identifying emotional wounds and setting healthy boundaries. But those, for the most part, do not address Spiritual Trauma or blockages with the Divine. Most of us have no idea this that clearing such blockages is even a possibility. Blockages can include:

  • Religious wounding and spiritual trauma of all kinds
  • Excessive shame and fear
  • Guilt
  • Childhood spiritual wounds
  • Distorted religious templates
  • Experiences with religious community and leaders gone terribly wrong
  • Spiritual trauma from collective sins such as misogyny, sexual violence, emotional and physical abuse, corporate greed, poverty, war, racism, philosophies of rugged individualism that deny our interconnectedness, various forms of entitlement and privilege, homophobia, and transphobia

Do I have special gifts?

We all bring unique spiritual gifts to the table (if you are reading and drawn to this spiritual work, your gifts are likely significant). We forget we have these abilities, because that is part of the experience of incarnating here on Mother Earth. Many of us are:

Empaths. We pick up on the energies and feelings of other people, the collective, and spiritual realms. And often what we are feeling does not completely belong to us.

Sensitive Souls. Those connected deeply (or long to be connected deeply) to the energies of animals, plants, and the elemental and spiritual realms of mother earth.

Undiscovered Gifts. Have undiscovered (or denied) gifts of teaching, leadership, discernment, healing, creativity, listening, prophetic witness, community and planetary transformation, and justice seeking.

The Divine is often waving and trying to get our attention through synchronicity, dreams, metaphor, symbol, song lyrics, scripture, relationships, mirroring, stories, nature, art, music, and more. We can learn to understand and speak this Divine Soul-language by paying attention to it more carefully and by engaging in activities that bring our soul and personality into alignment such as prayer and meditation, journaling, storytelling, arts, dancing, walking, being in nature, observing seasonal spiritual rituals, cultivating deep listening, being more aware in relationship, being more deeply in community, and being creative in any number of ways.

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